Shades of Blue: Top 80+ Shades, HEX & RGB Codes

The different shades of blue each have their own visual effect and personality. Blue is generally clean and tranquil, but in some shades, it’s more corporate and formal. The trust-worthy feeling it gives off lets you see why brands and social media platforms use this color for their theme. Think of all the social media apps that mainly use blue. Remember when Instagram used to be blue? Even the links you click are mostly blue.

Blue is almost everyone’s favorite color, making it great for branding and marketing. There are different shades of blue to choose from, and there is always a perfect shade for every web design, brand, or product.

Not only does blue appear to be good for business. Seeing the color helps you have a better sleep cycle with its calming effects. It is known to lower blood pressure. It’s also known to be non-appetizing when it comes to food, hence it’s recommended to eat from a blue plate when you’re having a weight loss diet. Darker shades assist in the improvement of the human thought process as it is less likely to be distracting. Every shade of blue has its own purpose or effect.

Here are 80 shades of blue:

Midnight Blue

Hex #191970

RGB 25,25,112

CMYK 25,6,0,10

One of the most elegant colors out there is midnight blue. It is often associated with authority, royalty, and stability. Most people believe that midnight blue has a calming effect and helps in slowing down metabolism. Yellow and olive green is considered to be the best color that would blend well with midnight blue if used in designs.

Light Blue

Hex #ADD8E6

RGB 173,216,230

CMYK 25,6,0,10

Light blue is said to be one of the calm and peaceful shades of blue. It is considered to represent health, understanding, and softness. Due to its versatility, a lot of designers and developers use light blue as the main color for their projects.

Sky Blue

Hex #87CEEB

RGB 135,206,235

CMYK 78,78,0,56

If you are looking for a color that represents freedom, inspiration, and imagination then sky blue is the perfect color for you. Most people often associate positivity with sky blue which made it a good choice for business owners to use for their logo, presentation, and advertisement.

Cornflower Blue

Hex #6495ED

RGB 100,149,237

CMYK 58,37,0,7

Cornflower blue was inspired by a blue flower that grows in European cornfields. It is said to represent depth, peace, fertility, and life. It is often used as the main color on websites that provide information on fitness and wellness.

Classic Blue

Hex #0f4c81

RGB 15,76,129

CMYK 99,76,24,8

One of the best colors that are best suited for logo and interior design is classic blue. If you also notice some of the well-known social media platforms use this kind of shade. Most people believe that classic blue conveys loyalty, trust, and stability.

Sapphire Blue

Hex #0F52BA

RGB 15,82,186

CMYK 92,56,0,27

Sapphire blue was inspired by a gemstone named Sapphire. This kind of gemstone is often seen in a shade of blue it is considered to be associated with faith and hope, especially during ancient times.

Egyptian Blue

Hex #1034A6

RGB 16,52,166

CMYK 90,69,0,35

Egyptian blue is a shade that was pigmented in Egypt during ancient times. It was first used in the arts to represent the sky and the Nile river. For Egyptians, this shade symbolizes heaven and the primeval flood. They also believe that Egyptian blue represents life and reincarnation.


Hex #40E0D0

RGB 64,224,208

CMYK 71,0,7,12

Turquoise is the color that represents calmness. Most people believe that it helps in stabilizing emotion thus making it a good choice for interior designs and making websites.

Powder Blue

Hex #B0E0E6

RGB 176,224,230

CMYK 23,3,0,10

Powder blue is considered part of the light blue family. It is often associated with peace and tranquility. When used in art it often represents the sky and bodies of water.



RGB 178,255,255

CMYK 30,0,0,0

If you are looking for a shade that perfectly represents the sky then celeste is the one for you. This specific shade was a lighter version of turquoise and was pigmented using the sky as its inspiration. It got its name from Celeste which means heavenly and it is believed to portray beauty.

Beau Blue

Hex #BCD4E6

RGB 188,212,230

CMYK 18,8,0,10

Beau blue is a member of the cyan color family and is often described as very light gray. It is often used in interior designs of office spaces or workstations since it was believed to help with focus and concentration.

Turkish Blue

Hex #4F97A3

RGB 79,151,163

CMYK 52,7,0,36

Turkish blue is described to have a grayish-purple shade. Most people in Turkey believe that this color fend off bad omen or misfortunes.

Prussian Blue

Hex #003153

RGB 0,49,83

CMYK 100,41,0,67

The name Prussian blue stands for the color of waves and the sea. This shade was often used in Japanese bricks during ancient times and was believed to portray a forever art.

Royal Blue

Hex #002366

RGB 0,35,102

CMYK 100,66,0,60

The color that is often associated with British Royalty is what we call Royal Blue. This shade was used for the clothes of the Queen, King, and some members of the imperial family. It often represents authority, empathy, and reliability.

Maya Blue

Hex #73C2FB

RGB 115,194,251

CMYK 54,23,0,2

Maya blue is often associated with religion, it was first pigmented for the sake of ancient Maya. It was used to decorate houses, pots, paintings, and sculptures.

Electric Blue

Hex #7DF9FF

RGB 125,249,255

CMYK 51,2,0,0

Electric blue is described as a light blue with a touch of glow. This shade was often connected to energy and excitement. Electric blue is believed to be the exact color of lightning and associated with one of the zodiac signs Aquarius.

Tiffany Blue

Hex #81D8D0

RGB 129,216,208

CMYK 40,0,4,15

Tiffany blue is described as greenish-blue color and it shows its full potential when paired with white. One of the famous jewelry companies Tiffany & Co. is the one who consistently uses this shade in their advertisements & packaging which made it a trademark color of the business.

Ruddy Blue

Hex #76ABDF

RGB 118,171,223

CMYK 47,23,0,13

If you are looking for a good pastel color then Ruddy Blue is a great choice for you. This shade was inspired by Ruddy duck’s beak.

Aqua Blue

Hex #00FFFF

RGB 0,255,255

CMYK 100,0,0,0

Aqua-blue is often described as greenish-blue color. It is often associated with the color of water and was believed to represent tranquility, youth, and dreams.


Hex #007FFF

RGB 0,127,255

CMYK 100,50,0,0

The word Azure means Blue, most people believe that it represents gemstones like sapphire. Azure is often associated with projects that want to portray stability, clearness, and intelligence.

Blizzard Blue


RGB 172,229,238

CMYK 28,4,0,7

Blizzard blue belongs to the cyan family color, it is often used to portray calmness, focus and concentration.

Baby Blue

Hex #89CFF0

RGB 137,207,240

CMYK 43,14,0,6

If you are looking for a color that can express serenity or calmness then baby blue is the best choice for you. It is often used by artists to represent their feelings of tranquility.

Baby Blue Eyes

Hex #A1CAF1

RGB 161,202,241

CMYK 33,16,0,5

Coming from the word baby, this shade was pigmented to symbolize innocence, youth and purity. This shade came from the flower baby blue eyes which are believed to symbolize tenderness.

Ocean Blue

Hex #3C41CD

RGB 238,59,52

CMYK 71,68,0,20

From the name itself, Ocean blue got its name from the color of oceans. It often signifies freedom, vastness, and wisdom thus making it a good choice for artists who would like to design an open space.

Cerulean Blue

Hex #2A52BE

RGB 42,82,190

CMYK 78,57,0,25

When it comes to art the shade cerulean often represents the sky, heaven, and ocean. Most people believe that this color can enhance the feeling of lightness and peace.

Alice Blue

Hex #F0F8FF

RGB 240,248,255

CMYK 6,3,0,0

When it comes to color psychology, Alice blue is often associated with people who are introverted. This pale blue shade is used for the enhancement of concentration and focus.

Cobalt Blue

Hex #0047AB

RGB 20,71,171

CMYK 100,58,0,33

Cobalt blue is described to be a darker version of true blue. Most people considered it to be a color of enlightenment thus making it the popular choice for painters and artist in designing interior and office spaces.

Cyan Blue

Hex #00FFFF

RGB 0,255,255

CMYK 100,0,0,0

Cyan blue is a light blue color that often uses in web designs, logos, and advertisements. This shade is then associated with crystal waters, calmness, and relaxation. Most people believe that cyan helps in enhancing peaceful behaviors.

Denim Blue

Hex #1560BD

RGB 21,96,189

CMYK 89,49,0,26

Denim blue is a classic color that you can often see in jeans. It has been a trend in the clothing industry to use this shade on clothes which they call “Denim”.

Glaucous Blue

Hex #6082B6

RGB 96,130,182

CMYK 47,29,0,29

Glaucous blue is described as a grayish-blue shade. It is often associated with trust, intuition, and faith. This shade is used to describe plants, feathers, and furs of some animals.

Blue Jeans


RGB 93,173,236

CMYK 61,27,0,7

Blue jeans are often associated with the character of West Americans. The company named Levi’s Strauss & Co. is the first one to dye their jeans with this shade. Most company believes that Blue jeans signify dignity and conservativism.

French Blue

Hex #0077C0

RGB 0,119,192

CMYK 100,38,0,25

French blue is also known as Bleu de France, this shade was used to represent the royal family and France. Most people in France believe that this color signifies duty and love for the poor. They also use french blue as the official color of France in motorsports.

Indigo Dye

Hex #00416A

RGB 0,65,106

CMYK 100,39,0,58

Indigo dye is a rare color that has an effect like a chameleon, depending on the lighting it can become purple, black, or sometimes dark blue.

Pacific Blue

Hex #1CA9C9

RGB 28,169,201

CMYK 86,16,0,21

This shade belongs to the light blue color family. Pacific blue is often used in logos, presentations, or even in the background color of well-known social media platforms and websites like Twitter. Most people believe that this shade is associated with peace and depth.

Capri Blue

Hex #00BFFF

RGB 0,191,255

CMYK 100,25,0,0

If you are looking for a different shade of cyan then Capri blue is a good choice for you. This color was often described as a deep shade of cyan and associated with focus and mental concentration.

Yinmn Blue

Hex #2E5090

RGB 46,80,144

CMYK 68,44,0,44

Yinmn blue was derived from the combined symbol of elements of Yttrium, Indium, and Manganese. It is often associated with infinity due to the fact that this shade doesn’t fade.

Cadet Blue

Hex #4F97A3

RGB 79,151,1,63

CMYK 52,7,0,36

Cadet blue is a grayish-blue color that is also known as a space cadet. It was pigmented last 2007 and was used as an official color of a military issued uniform.

Oxford Blue

Hex #002147

RGB 0,33,71

CMYK 100,54,0,72

From the name itself, Oxford blue is considered the official color of Oxford University. This shade is often used in advertisements because it is believed to portray sincerity and trust.

Persian Blue

Hex #1C39BB

RGB 28,57,187

CMYK 85,70,0,27

Persian blue is described to be medium dark blue. It is often used as a color in pottery, tiles, and walls of palaces in Persia. Persian blue often symbolizes the celestial sphere that represents heaven.

Phthalo Blue

Hex #000F89

RGB 0,15,137

CMYK 100,89,0,46

If you are looking for a bright blue shade then Phthalo blue is the best option for you. This shade is often used to paint exterior walls and fences due to its high resistance to fading.

Picotee Blue

Hex #2E2787

RGB 46,39,135

CMYK 66,71,0,47

Picotee blue was derived from the picotee flower, this shade is often associated with trust and other heartfelt emotions. It is also used in love sentiments like “I miss you” and “I love you”.

Pewter Blue

Hex #8BA8B7

RGB 139,168,183

CMYK 24,8,0,28

This shade is often described as bluish-gray, this shade was inspired by a metal called pewter. Most artists and designers use this shade to color utensils, accessories, and silverware.

Robin’s Egg 

Hex #00D8D8

RGB 0,216,216

CMYK 100,0,0,15

This color is also known as eggshell blue, it came from the cyan color family and is described to have a greenish-blue shade. Robin’s egg was inspired by the eggs that were laid by American Robin.


Hex #6A5ACD

RGB 106,90,205

CMYK 48,56,0,20

This shade was derived from the color of a gemstone called slate. It is also called a balancing color due to its unusual harmony in color and most people believe that it can lessen anxiety and stress.

Neon Blue

Hex #4D4DFF

RGB 77,77,255

CMYK 70,70,0,0

If you are looking for a neon color then neon blue is the perfect choice for you. Since we are talking about neon colors, you might be thinking that it symbolizes excitement and energy however neon blue is the only neon color that is believed to portray tranquility and calmness.

Hex #000080

RGB 0,0,128

CMYK 70,70,0,0

Navy blue is considered to be part of the dark blue color family, this well-known color was once called Marine blue. It is considered to portray authority and power which makes it a good choice for a color reference in the British navy.

Lavender Blue


RGB 204,204,255

CMYK 20,20,0,0

Lavender blue was derived from the flower lavender. Most people associate Lavender blue with loyalty, faith, and truth. It is also believed to evoke affection and friendship.

Ultramarine Blue

Hex #3F00FF

RGB 63,0,255

CMYK 75,100,0,0

Ultramarine blue is considered to be the most expensive shade to be used by painters. Most people believe that it symbolizes holiness and humility since it is used for the robes of saints and the Virgin Mary.

International Klein Blue

Hex #002FA7

RGB 0,47,167

CMYK 100,72,0,35

International Klein Blue was pigmented by a well-known french artist name Yves Klein. He created this shade to portray his boundless visions and imagination by using it on his sculptures.

Steel Blue

Hex #4682B4

RGB 70,130,180

CMYK 61,28,0,29

This shade was inspired by the bluing of steel to prevent it from accumulating rust. Steel blue is considered to be a neutral color that is great for interior designs. It is best paired with light colors to bring its full potential and make it more calming to the eyes.

Denim Blue

Hex #1560BD

RGB 21,96,189

CMYK 89,49,0,26

Denim blue, as the name suggests, is inspired by the classic blue jeans. This shade is versatile and pairs well with a variety of colors, making it a popular choice for fashion and interior design. Its relaxed and casual vibe makes it perfect for creating a laid-back atmosphere.

Teal Blue

Hex #367588

RGB 54,117,136

CMYK 60,14,0,47

Teal blue is a captivating shade that combines the calming properties of blue with the refreshing qualities of green. This color is often associated with tranquility and sophistication, making it a great choice for creating a serene and inviting atmosphere in any space.

Aegean Blue

Hex #4D9EBD

RGB 77,158,189

CMYK 59,16,0,26

Aegean blue is a mesmerizing shade inspired by the clear blue waters of the Aegean Sea. This color evokes feelings of calmness and relaxation, reminiscent of a peaceful beach getaway. It pairs beautifully with white and sandy hues to create a refreshing, coastal-inspired palette.

Air Force Blue

Hex #5D8AA8

RGB 93,138,168

CMYK 45,18,0,34

Air Force blue is a timeless shade that exudes confidence and stability. Originally used by the Royal Air Force, this color has become a symbol of trust and reliability. It works well in professional settings and pairs nicely with neutral tones for a classic, sophisticated look.

Carolina Blue

Hex #4B9CD3

RGB 75,156,211

CMYK 64,26,0,17

Carolina blue is a soft, sky-like shade associated with the University of North Carolina. This color radiates warmth and friendliness, making it perfect for creating inviting and welcoming spaces. It pairs well with white and light gray for a fresh, clean look.

Celadon Blue

Hex #007BA7

RGB 0,123,167

CMYK 100,26,0,35

Celadon blue is a unique shade that combines the serenity of blue with the earthiness of green. This color is often associated with ceramics and pottery, evoking a sense of craftsmanship and tradition. It pairs beautifully with warm, neutral tones for a balanced and harmonious palette.

Columbia Blue


RGB 155,221,255

CMYK 39,13,0,0

Columbia blue is a soft, pastel shade associated with Columbia University. This color conveys a sense of innocence and purity, making it perfect for creating a calm and soothing atmosphere. It pairs well with other pastel hues for a gentle, harmonious look.

Delft Blue

Hex #1E2952

RGB 30,41,82

CMYK 63,50,0,68

Delft blue is a rich, deep shade inspired by the famous Dutch pottery. This color exudes elegance and sophistication, making it perfect for creating a luxurious and refined atmosphere. It pairs beautifully with white and gold accents for a touch of opulence.

Dusk Blue

Hex #26466D

RGB 38,70,109

CMYK 65,36,0,57

Dusk blue is a mysterious and enchanting shade that captures the beauty of the sky just before nightfall. This color evokes a sense of tranquility and introspection, making it perfect for creating a calming and reflective atmosphere. It pairs well with warm, earthy tones for a balanced and harmonious palette.

Dusty Blue

Hex #6C8EA3

RGB 108,142,163

CMYK 34,13,0,36

Dusty blue is a soft, muted shade that exudes a sense of calmness and serenity. This color is often associated with vintage and rustic styles, evoking a sense of nostalgia and charm. It pairs beautifully with warm, neutral tones for a cozy and inviting atmosphere.

Gentian Blue

Hex #1B4E7D

RGB 27,78,125

CMYK 78,38,0,51

Gentian blue is a deep, rich shade inspired by the vibrant blue of the gentian flower. This color conveys a sense of depth and intensity, making it perfect for creating a dramatic and sophisticated atmosphere. It pairs well with silver and white accents for a striking, modern look.

Honolulu Blue

Hex #007FBF

RGB 0,127,191

CMYK 100,33,0,25

Honolulu blue is a bright, vibrant shade associated with the NFL’s Detroit Lions. This color radiates energy and enthusiasm, making it perfect for creating a lively and dynamic atmosphere. It pairs well with white and silver for a fresh, sporty look.

Iceberg Blue

Hex #71A6D2

RGB 113,166,210

CMYK 46,21,0,18

Iceberg blue is a cool, refreshing shade inspired by the icy hues of glaciers and icebergs. This color evokes a sense of clarity and purity, making it perfect for creating a crisp and invigorating atmosphere. It pairs beautifully with white and gray for a clean, modern look.

Iris Blue

Hex #00B8D0

RGB 0,184,208

CMYK 100,11,0,18

Iris blue is a vibrant, eye-catching shade inspired by the striking blue of the iris flower. This color conveys a sense of creativity and individuality, making it perfect for creating a unique and expressive atmosphere. It pairs well with white and yellow for a bold, contemporary look.

Lapis Lazuli

Hex #26619C

RGB 38,97,156

CMYK 76,38,0,39

Lapis lazuli is a rich, intense shade inspired by the semi-precious stone of the same name. This color has been prized for centuries for its deep, captivating blue hue. It conveys a sense of luxury and mystery, making it perfect for creating an opulent and intriguing atmosphere. Lapis lazuli pairs beautifully with gold and white accents for a regal, sophisticated look.

Liberty Blue

Hex #2E4A7C

RGB 46,74,124

CMYK 63,40,0,51

Liberty blue is a deep, patriotic shade associated with the United States and freedom. This color conveys a sense of loyalty and dependability, making it perfect for creating a trustworthy and reliable atmosphere. It pairs well with red and white for a classic, all-American look.

Majorelle Blue

Hex #6050DC

RGB 96,80,220

CMYK 56,64,0,14

Majorelle blue is a vibrant, electric shade inspired by the intense blue used in the Majorelle Garden in Marrakech, Morocco. This color radiates energy and excitement, making it perfect for creating a lively and stimulating atmosphere. It pairs well with white and gold for a luxurious, exotic look.

Moonstone Blue

Hex #73A9C2

RGB 115,169,194

CMYK 41,13,0,24

Moonstone blue is a soft, ethereal shade inspired by the shimmering blue of the moonstone gemstone. This color evokes a sense of tranquility and mystery, making it perfect for creating a calming and enchanting atmosphere. It pairs beautifully with silver and white for a dreamy, celestial look.

Niagara Blue

Hex #2D7D9A

RGB 45,125,154

CMYK 71,19,0,40

Niagara blue is a deep, refreshing shade inspired by the mesmerizing blue-green waters of Niagara Falls. This color conveys a sense of power and renewal, making it perfect for creating an invigorating and rejuvenating atmosphere. It pairs well with white and gray for a clean, modern look.

Periwinkle Blue


RGB 204,204,255

CMYK 20,20,0,0

Periwinkle blue is a soft, whimsical shade that combines the calmness of blue with the gentleness of purple. This color evokes a sense of creativity and imagination, making it perfect for creating a playful and inspiring atmosphere. It pairs beautifully with white and pastel hues for a charming, fairy-tale look.

Petrol Blue

Hex #314F6F

RGB 49,79,111

CMYK 56,29,0,56

Petrol blue is a dark, sophisticated shade inspired by the deep, blue-green hue of motor oil. This color conveys a sense of depth and refinement, making it perfect for creating a luxurious and elegant atmosphere. It pairs well with gold and black for a rich, opulent look.

Riviera Blue

Hex #4DA8DA

RGB 77,168,218

CMYK 65,23,0,15

Riviera blue is a bright, refreshing shade inspired by the sparkling blue waters of the French Riviera. This color radiates joy and vitality, making it perfect for creating a cheerful and energizing atmosphere. It pairs beautifully with white and sandy hues for a breezy, coastal look.

Sapphire Blue

Hex #0F52BA

RGB 15,82,186

CMYK 92,56,0,27

Sapphire blue is a rich, luxurious shade inspired by the precious gemstone of the same name. This color conveys a sense of elegance and sophistication, making it perfect for creating a regal and refined atmosphere. It pairs well with silver and white for a classic, timeless look.

Saxe Blue

Hex #4C6977

RGB 76,105,119

CMYK 36,12,0,53

Saxe blue is a muted, grayish-blue shade named after the Saxon blue pigment. This color conveys a sense of stability and reliability, making it perfect for creating a calm and trustworthy atmosphere. It pairs well with warm, neutral tones for a balanced, harmonious look.

Serenity Blue

Hex #91A8D0

RGB 145,168,208

CMYK 30,19,0,18

Serenity blue is a soft, calming shade that was named Pantone’s Color of the Year in 2016 alongside Rose Quartz. This color promotes relaxation and tranquility, making it perfect for creating a peaceful and soothing atmosphere. It pairs beautifully with pastel hues for a gentle, harmonious look.


Hex #A2A2D0

RGB 162,162,208

CMYK 22,22,0,18

Bluebell is a soft, delicate shade inspired by the charming wildflower of the same name. This color evokes a sense of innocence and tenderness, making it perfect for creating a gentle and romantic atmosphere. It pairs beautifully with white and pastel hues for a whimsical, fairy-tale look.

Cerulean Frost

Hex #6D9BC3

RGB 109,155,195

CMYK 44,21,0,24

Cerulean Frost is a cool, refreshing shade that combines the crispness of cerulean blue with the iciness of frost. This color conveys a sense of clarity and freshness, making it perfect for creating an invigorating and energizing atmosphere. It pairs well with white and silver for a modern, sophisticated look.

Denim Wash

Hex #5C7E91

RGB 92,126,145

CMYK 37,13,0,43

Denim Wash is a muted, grayish-blue shade inspired by the soft, faded look of well-worn denim. This color evokes a sense of comfort and relaxation, making it perfect for creating a casual and laid-back atmosphere. It pairs beautifully with warm, earthy tones for a balanced, natural look.

Harbor Blue

Hex #8DADD6

RGB 141,173,214

CMYK 34,19,0,16

Harbor Blue is a soft, soothing shade inspired by the calming blue hues of a peaceful harbor. This color promotes tranquility and relaxation, making it perfect for creating a serene and welcoming atmosphere. It pairs well with white and sandy hues for a coastal-inspired look.

Hyacinth Blue

Hex #4D61B0

RGB 77,97,176

CMYK 56,45,0,31

Hyacinth Blue is a vibrant, eye-catching shade inspired by the striking blue hues of the hyacinth flower. This color radiates energy and enthusiasm, making it perfect for creating a lively and dynamic atmosphere. It pairs well with white and purple for a bold, contemporary look.

Mist Blue

Hex #E2E3E5

RGB 226,227,229

CMYK 1,1,0,10

Mist Blue is a pale, ethereal shade inspired by the delicate blue hues of a morning mist. This color evokes a sense of calmness and tranquility, making it perfect for creating a soothing and relaxing atmosphere. It pairs beautifully with white and pastel hues for a soft, dreamy look.

Moroccan Blue

Hex #10476F

RGB 16,71,111

CMYK 86,36,0,56

Moroccan Blue is a deep, rich shade inspired by the vibrant blue hues found in traditional Moroccan tiles and textiles. This color conveys a sense of mystery and exoticism, making it perfect for creating an intriguing and captivating atmosphere. It pairs well with warm, earthy tones and gold accents for a luxurious, bohemian look.

Pigeon Blue

Hex #758DA3

RGB 117,141,163

CMYK 28,14,0,36

Pigeon Blue is a soft, muted shade inspired by the subtle blue-gray hues of a pigeon’s feathers. This color evokes a sense of calmness and sophistication, making it perfect for creating a serene and refined atmosphere. It pairs beautifully with warm, neutral tones for a balanced, understated look.

Star Command Blue

Hex #007BB8

RGB 0,123,184

CMYK 100,33,0,28

Star Command Blue is a bright, energetic shade inspired by the bold blue hues associated with space exploration and science fiction. This color radiates confidence and innovation, making it perfect for creating a dynamic and futuristic atmosphere. It pairs well with white and silver for a sleek, modern look.

Yankee Blue

Hex #1C2841

RGB 28,40,65

CMYK 57,38,0,75

Yankee Blue is a deep, rich shade inspired by the iconic navy blue uniforms worn by the New York Yankees baseball team. This color conveys a sense of tradition and excellence, making it perfect for creating a classic and timeless atmosphere. It pairs well with white and gray for a clean, sophisticated look.

If you love blue, now you see that there are 50 shades of blue to choose from. Evidently, this color and its shades don’t just provide cosmetic enhancement to an establishment, product, or outfit. Blue makes the viewer feel good as it is adored by people from all ages and walks of life. There most likely isn’t one person that hates blue as its shades show you the most beautiful parts of mother nature and human invention. Skies and paint. Waters and electric lights. Eggs and clothes. Without a doubt, blue is the world’s favorite color of all time. What are your thoughts about blue? Don’t forget to leave a comment below.