Category ColorMag

In this section we share latest trends in home decoration, fashion, interior design, beauty and all other categories where color plays a major role. Enjoy reading!

What is Color Synesthesia? Types, Definitions and Examples

Color synesthesia is a neurological phenomenon where individuals experience colors in response to non-visual stimuli. For these “color synesthetes,” the world is painted with hues triggered by sounds, tastes, emotions, or even abstract concepts like time and mathematics. This unique…

[Quiz] What’s Your Aura Color?

This is your chance to discover the unique color of your aura, which is a reflection of your energy, emotions, and inner spirit. Each aura color carries its own special meaning and can reveal fascinating insights into your personality, strengths,…

Why Men and Women See Color Differently

Have you ever wondered why that vibrant red dress appears slightly different to you and your partner? It’s not just a matter of taste; science shows that men and women actually perceive colors in distinct ways. This fascinating phenomenon isn’t…